At the heart of The Coalition’s training program is a thoughtfully structured, two-year mentored apprenticeship. Because youth ministry is a vocation that requires specific competencies, we believe the most effective way to equip practitioners is to provide them with a real-life context in which to learn and practice ministry effectiveness.
Apprentices will serve in full-time ministry roles under experienced leaders who will guide them through a series of leadership development experiences and skill sharpening opportunities. The environments will vary depending on the specialty being pursued by the apprentice. Many will serve in the local church, others will receive their training in the context of a community youth ministry organization (e.g. Young Life or Youth for Christ), while others could be trained on the staff of a camp or in Christian School environments, if that is where they feel called to serve. The apprenticeship path will be marked by carefully defined milestones, but the details of the apprenticeship will be left to the mentor and the apprentice to design and carry out.
Apprenticeships will not be approved unless a suitable mentor is available to provide the necessary guidance. The experiential component of this program is not a “tacked on” bonus but in fact represents the essence of what makes The Coalition different.
Coalition DNA

Make Your Ministry Your Classroom!
Youth Worker Community exists to empower more youth workers to help the next generation know Jesus. We do that through conferences, the Coalition, research, coaching, and resources for youth ministries.
Our purpose is to equip, empower, and relationally support youth workers to help the next generation know Jesus.
We do all of this in a culture of low ego and high trust.