Earn Your MA Or BA
Learn and grow through experiential learning, spiritual formation, academic excellence and intentional community, all while you stay in your ministry context.
We deeply value academic excellence. Each of the faculty who teach your eight courses have been carefully chosen for their expertise in the subject matter they deliver. Several colleges and seminaries have recognized the academic value of our program and have initiated partnerships with the Coalition that allow students to receive academic credit for their participation. Students may use their Coalition credits to account for a significant portion of an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree or may pursue a graduate (Master’s) degree.

Cohorts & Locations
One of the core values of The Coalition is intentional community and one of the ways we create that is by having you journey with a Cohort (aka an incredible group of fellow youth workers) through your 2 years. You’ll learn, grow, encourage, challenge and pray with each other making for a richer experience.
We have multiple Cohorts, in multiple locations happening at any given time. When you apply to The Coalition, we help you connect to the Cohort that’s the best fit for you. We always have new Cohorts in new locations opening!
2024 — 2026 Locations
Kelowna, British Columbia
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Southern Manitoba
Mississauga, Ontario
Sussex, New Brunswick
One of the core values of The Coalition is intentional community and one of the ways we create that is by having you journey with a Cohort (an incredible group of fellow youth workers) through your 2 years. You’ll learn, grow, encourage, challenge, and pray with each other which makes the whole experience so much richer.
We have multiple Cohorts, in multiple locations, happening at any given time. Current and committed Cohorts include: Kelowna BC, Moncton NB, and Southern MB. There are new ones popping up all the time, so if you’d like one close to you just let us know when you book a call.Youth workers. Church youth workers. Camp youth workers. Christian school youth workers. Community youth workers. If you care about adolescent faith development then the Coalition is for you.
Some students take the program as a certificate simply to sharpen their leadership. Others use it to complete a Bachelor’s degree. And others still go through the Coalition because they are interested in getting their Master’s.Some of the expenses related to the program are fixed and identical for every student, but some costs vary depending on geographical location and desired program outcomes.
The basic tuition cost of the program is $10,000. $5000 each year for two years. This covers the cost of the eight classroom experiences and eight off-campus (experiential immersion) courses, which will be completed as part of your ministry apprenticeship.
Students taking the program for college or seminary credit may be required to pay additional fees to the school accrediting their courses. If you are interested in a breakdown of the various partners and their financial arrangements, please contact the Coalition office at coalition@youthworker.community.
Additional costs for textbooks, accommodation, and transportation will vary, depending on your personal circumstances. Students are responsible to find their own accommodation for any in person classes, but the Coalition team can help you find affordable options.The truth of the matter is that earning a degree will always be disruptive at some level. You don’t get the parchment for “just showing up.” A quality education will always require a degree of commitment and there will be a price to pay.
With that said, the class assignments are designed to take place in the regular routines of week-to-week ministry. This is not a program where you will be expected to spend hours in the library writing theoretical papers about ministry. You will be living out the assignments in the day-to-day realities of your ministry context and you’ll often discover that the assignments will be immediately utilized to help you in your work responsibilities. But you might have to skip rewatching The Office another time to focus on completing the programOur goal is to make your educational experience as accessible, practical and connected as possible. All our cohorts receive the same high quality, live teaching streamed from the primary cohort location to smaller regional cohorts facilitated by in-person ministry experts with decades of personal ministry experience. This means your experience will be more personal (smaller groups of 10-25 students with direct access to faculty, coaches and facilitators) and more accessible (you won’t need to go so far from home!)
We know what appears on your diploma matters to you (and your resume!) The most common designation our students earn is a Bachelor or Master of Arts in “Youth Ministry Leadership.” Some of our partners offer additional specialization depending on the emphasis of your studies before or after the Coalition. Our graduates have also earned degrees in “Leadership,” “Next Gen Leadership,” and “Ministry Leadership.”
Book a call with the Steve Zacharias. He’ll be able to answer any of your questions and walk you through the application process should you decide that you’d like to apply.
If you work with teenagers and want them to follow Jesus then you’ll love the Coalition. We have students who are involved in a wide range of youth ministry contexts and we are pretty convinced that the diversity is good for us all. Also, some Coalition students are involved in ministry beyond just youth ministry. So if you are wondering if the Coalition fits you and your context, the best thing to do is to book a call with us.
If you are not currently involved in a youth ministry that will allow you to do your apprenticeship, don’t lose heart. There are a number of churches, camps, campus ministry chapters, and other ministry contexts who have indicated a willingness to host an apprentice and provide supervision and support. We cannot guarantee an apprenticeship placement, as students will need to earn their placement by applying to the ministry that seems compatible with their sense of calling, but we will do everything in our power to help potential apprentices find a grace-filled learning community where they will be mentored, supported, and encouraged as they pursue their training.
Let us know your needs during the application process and we’ll start building some bridges for you.While The Coalition doesn't issue degrees, the program has been accredited through our academic partners, allowing you to use your Coalition experience in a Bachelors or Masters program. Our academic partners have accredited the program through the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) which is the accrediting body for most seminaries around the world. It is also approved and recognized by the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) which is the group that accredits Bible colleges across North America. You can book a call with us to see how the Coalition can help you reach your academic goals.
Absolutely! At its core, the Coalition is an immersive ministry leadership program. What you learn will transfer to many other settings and set the stage for your next steps. Upon the completion of the Coalition you will have the option of moving on to MDiv, DMin and even PhD programs together with our partner institutions.
We’ve gathered some of the best voices in Youth Ministry, Leadership & Theology to invest in you at The Coalition. Your Cohort will have the gift of interacting closely with some of these incredible leaders as well as many others!

Dr. Marv Penner
Marv Penner is a veteran youth worker with more than 45 years of working in the field. He is the Director Emeritus at the Coalition for Youth Ministry Leadership. An author, speaker professor, and youth ministry consultant to denominations, schools, churches and organizations, he travels North America and the world, equipping, encouraging and empowering young leaders. As a registered clinical counsellor he has specialized in helping adolescents and their families through tough times. Marv brings a lifetime of practical wisdom and experience to the classroom.

Ginny Olson M.A
Ginny Olson has been involved in youth ministry for several decades on a variety of levels: youth pastor, youth ministry professor, speaker and writer. She is the author of Teenage Girls and the co-author of Youth Ministry Management Tools 2.0. Currently, she is the Director of Youth Ministry for the Northwest Conference of the Covenant Church, as well as an adjunct professor at North Park University’s School of Business and Nonprofit Management, where she teaches on church administration.

Ebonie Davis
Ebonie Davis has served as the Associate Pastor of Youth at Trinity Baptist Church in Waldorf, MD for ten years. She conducted the most recent national multi-city study of youth ministries known for racially diverse ministry, and holds a Master’s degree from Huntington University in Youth Ministry Leadership.

Dr. Chap Clark
For many years Chap has served as chair of Christian Discipleship department and professor of Practical Theology and Youth, Family, and Culture at Fuller Theological Semi- nary. He has been the senior editor of YouthWorker Journal, and is currently president of ParenTeenTM, a nonprofit organization helping adults understand and respond to the developmental and spiritual needs of adolescents and emerging adults. Chap is a speaker, trainer, consultant, as well as the author or co-author of 25 books. Before teaching, Chap was on Young Life staff for 15 years as an area and regional director; and for the last 27 years while a seminary professor, Chap has served in a variety of roles in the church. Chap and Dee, a LMFT (www.healingreins.com) have three grown children, two granddaughters and live in New- port Beach, CA and when they can get away in Gig Harbor, WA.

Sid Koop
Sid has been involved in full-time youth ministry for over 20 years. Following his time at Briercrest Seminary, Sid spent 4 years in Canmore as the youth pastor at Canmore Trinity Bible Church, 11 years at the Evangelical Free Church of Lethbridge as Director of Student Ministries, and the last 4 years in Kelowna British Columbia with Truth Matters Ministries. In 2001, Sid founded Truth Matters with the mission to help the next generation see and experience the truth of Jesus Christ. Since 2013, Sid has put his full-time energy into Truth Matters Ministries as the Executive Director. Currently, Truth Matters runs 7 youth worker training conferences across Canada each year under the title "Canadian Youth Workers Conference". Sid also speaks to students, equips youth workers and informs parents at conferences, retreats, and events across the country. He has a Masters in Youth and Family Ministries and is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry in Emerging Generations at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. Sid lives with his wife Jen and two boys Cole and Payton at Green Bay Bible Camp in Kelowna British Columbia, where his wife is currently the Executive Director.

Dr. Andy Steiger
Andy Steiger is the founder and president of Apologetics Canada, an organization dedicated to helping churches across Canada better understand and engage today’s culture. Most recently, he wrote the book Reclaimed: How Jesus Restores Our Humanity in a Dehumanized World. This book was preceded by The Human Project video series. In 2018, The Human Project debuted at film festivals around the world and won a number of awards including Best Short Film and People's Choice. He also created and hosted The Thinking Series and is the author of Thinking? Answering Life’s Five Biggest Questions. Andy speaks on these topics internationally at universities, conferences, churches, prisons and coffee shops. He earned his PhD from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Andy is originally from Portland, Oregon and currently lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia with his wife, Nancy, and their boys.

Dr. Chuck Hunt
Rev. Charles (Chuck) Hunt, D.Min has been ministering to adolescents, young adults, and their families for more than 30 years. He was born in Virginia and grew up in Huntington Beach, CA where his love for adventure developed. He has a BS from Hampton University in Aviation as well as an M.Div and D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary. Chuck is passionate about Christ’s call to restore our relationship with God and with each other, thus he advocates for righteousness and justice. He has a proven record of building teams in the church and fostering partnerships with organizations in the community. Through both his career and lived experience, Chuck has an ability to connect with individuals from diverse cultural, spiritual, and economic backgrounds. He lives with his wife Shannon and their young adult daughter Rhyen, in Southern California. Though cleverly disguised as a responsible adult, Chuck still runs, surfs, mountain bikes, and skateboards.

Dr. Walt Mueller
Dr. Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, a non-profit organization serving schools, churches, and community organizations across the U.S, Canada, and worldwide in their efforts to strengthen families. Walt has been working with young people and families for more than 40 years. He is a student of youth culture and family issues, and has appeared on numerous media outlets internationally to discuss teenagers and their world. A regular seminar and conference speaker, he communicates effectively with adults and teenagers alike. He has written extensively on youth culture and family issues and is the author of over 8 books. He is also a regular contributor to a variety of publications. Walt and his wife Lisa live in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, have four adult children and five grandchildren.